Wildleaf is 9 year’s old this year and it all began with a dream to move the world with a tiny leaf. Founder and CEO Vignesh Murthy set out on a journey as a teenager, looking for ways he can make a change. Sure, daily deeds such as picking up plastic trash and recycling would help the present, but he searched for a more long-term fix. As destiny would have it, he soon discovered the ripple effects hemp can have on the population and planet and ta-da, Wildleaf was born!

Wildleaf has been researching hemp since 2012, working closely with agricultural universities, Himalayan farmers and environmental groups. We have been actively spreading awareness about landrace preservation and daily applications of the hemp plant to the general public and government bodies. Lending hands to Hempcrete construction projects, we learned about converting stems of the hemp plant that is currently being burnt in the Himalayas to build fire-proof, sustainable and futuristic houses.
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Despite its multiple benefits, hemp is still expensive and considered a luxury item. We are ideating ways to make it more affordable so everyone gets a chance to realize the positive impact hemp can have on the body and the mind.
After learning and relearning, we are finally happy to introduce our range of hemp products straight from the beautiful, abundant Himalayan valleys.
A brand associated with BANGALORE HEMP PVT LTD .
We truly believe we are not doing anything new but are only reintroducing a long-forgotten hemp culture that can change the way we look at the future. To a world growing more and more pessimistic, we’d like to present – A Hemptopia. We look forward to expanding and providing you with the best quality hemp products at affordable prices straight from the mountains!
Wildleaf has always been a farmer-oriented company, we work with local farmers, women groups, and communities to collect and process our hemp while also educating them and teaching them about the advancements in the hemp industry. While the people in the mountains have been consuming hemp from ages, they make rudimentary use of it and are not really aware of how the world uses hemp today.
Wildleaf has always been a farmer-oriented company, we work with local farmers, and women groups, and We intend to share the smiles and small talk, the culture of these amazing superhumans from the Himalayas who defy normal and live and survive in the most extreme conditions.
We bring to you their strength, resilience, and stories in the form of our products in sustainable and biodegradable packaging, topped with an essence of the mountains! communities to collect and process our hemp while also educating them and teaching them about the advancements in the hemp industry. While the people in the mountains have been consuming hemp from ages, they make rudimentary use of it and are not really aware of how the world uses hemp today.